Team REMNet held a meeting at the Gordon Conference Undergraduate Biology Education Meeting 2019
Team REMNet held a microbrew session and a dissemination station at ASMCUE 2019
Team REMNet operated an exhibitor’s booth and held a developmental meeting at ABRCMS 2019
Team REMNet held a Steering Committee meeting
Dr. Muth held a meeting at SEBASM 2020 with Jessica Joyner
Dr. Muth held a workshop at Metabarcoding Workshop at City Tech
Dr. Muth hosted a virtual workshop at ESA 2020
Team REMNet hosted a virtual summer workshop
Team REMNet hosted two virtual workshops at BIOME (QUBES Bioquest)
Team REMNet hosted a virtual spring working group meeting
Team REMNet presented an ePoster at World Microbe Forum titled “Undergraduate Microbiome Research - Zooming in During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Dr Muth participated in a panel for the IRACDA program
Team REMNet pre-recorded a virtual microbrew session called “Microbiomes for All! Zooming in on Data Analysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic” at ASMCUE 2021
Team REMNet gave presentations and presented posters at ASM and ASMCUE
Team REMNet collaborated with ASM Webinar to offer a session of three online webinars called “Microbiomes for All”
Team REMNet hosted a workshop at NABT 2021
Team REMNet hosted a workshop at the Theobald Smith Society
Team REMNet gave presentations and presented posters at ASM and ASMCUE 2022
REMNet was advertised at ASM Maryland’s annual meeting
Team REMNet presented a poster at the Eastern NY ASM branch meeting
REMNet was advertised at the ABASM meeting
Team REMNet was invited to attend the BEDE Network annual meeting
Team REMNet collaborated with ASM Webinar to offer a session of three online webinars called “Microbiomes for All”
Dr. Muth co-hosted Bee Microbiome Support with Dr. Mark Randall of The New School
Team REMNet held a data analysis workshop at Global Soils Biodiversity
Dr. Muth held a data analysis workshop at the ESA Life Discovery Meeting
Dr. Muth presented a microbiome data poster at the ESA Mid-Atlantic meeting
Team REMNet held a presentation at the CURE OCCC Meeting
Team REMNet held a data analysis workshop at ASM Microbe 2023
Dr. Muth attended the RCN-UBE PI Summit Meeting
Team REMNet presented a poster at the Gordon Research Conference for Undergraduate Biology Education Meeting
Dr. Muth held a data analysis workshop at ESA 2023
Team REMNet collaborated with ASM Webinar to offer a session of four online webinars called “Microbiomes for All”
Dr. Muth hosted a workshop at BIOME (QUBES Bioquest)
Team REMNet hosted a summer meeting at Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Team REMNet collaborated with ASM Webinar to offer a session of four online webinars called “Microbiomes for All”
Dr. Muth operated an exhibitor’s booth at ASMCUE 2024