Along the Riverwalk by Robin LeeAnn

REMNet’s Summer Meeting 2024


Along the Riverwalk by Robin LeeAnn.

Meeting Schedule

Friday, August 9th, 2024

6:00 - 8:00 PM: Informal networking/mixer (Optional)

Saturday, August 10th, 2024

9:30 AM: Introductions and workshop overview

10:00 AM: Form Lab groups! Sample selections!

10:15: AM: Oxford Nanopore 16S Barcoding Library prep
16S barcoding PCR amplification (~2 hours)
10:45 AM: Quantify of Nanopore sequencing and library preparation options

12:15PM: Quantify/QC PCR amplicons by Qubit

12:30 PM: Lunch

1:30 PM: Sample pooling, bead clean-up, and adapter ligation

2:15 PM: Loading Flongle flow cell

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM: Intro to MinKNOW outputs

3:30 PM: Data analysis in EPI2ME Real-time cloud EPI2ME desktop analysis

4:00 PM: Brainstorm/workshop project ideas and experimental design

Sunday, August 11th, 2024

9:30 AM: Start EPI2ME desktop 16S work-flow analysis

10:00 AM: Review library prep and Flongle loading - take questions, clarify etc... Review MinKNOW run statistics, review E

11:00 AM: Data analyses, download CSV files, work in Excel

12:00 PM: Wrap-up

*During these run times, go over details of library prep, answer questions, practice loading Flongles, load MinKNOW and EPI2ME, Docker on people computers (if needed), and lunch.

Goal to have Flongles loaded by 2-3PM on Saturday.


NSF Supported Events - Code of Conduct Policy for Conference

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposal Award Policy and Procedure Guide (PAPPG), effective February 25, 2019, requires applicants requesting NSF funds for the purpose of carrying out a conference, symposia, or workshop, to have a policy or code of conduct in place that addresses prohibited conduct such as sex discrimination,(e.g. sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity), sex-based harassment (e.g. quid pro quo, hostile environment, and specific offenses [e.g. sexual assault/violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking], and other forms of harassment, and that includes clear and accessible means of reporting violations of the policy or code of conduct. Further, this policy or code of conduct must be disseminated to the participants prior to their attendance, as well as, at the conference, symposia, or workshop.

The following message complies with the above NSF requirements and should be provided to all participants prior to and upon arrival at any NSF supported conference, symposia, or workshop carried out after February 25, 2019. The notice should also be attached to the conference website.

Dear REMNet Workshop Participant:

This event is supported all or in part by the NSF under Award No. 1827035 and is governed by the NSF PAPPG which became effective February 25, 2019. Chapter II.E.8 of this guide requires that we provide all event participants with information on the University’s policy on sexual harassment, other forms of harassment and sexual assault as well as information about how to report any violations of such policy. For purposes of this requirement, “other forms of harassment” is defined as “Non-gender or non-sex-based harassment of individuals protected under federal civil rights laws, as set forth in organizational policies or codes of conduct, statutes, regulations, or executive orders.”

Brooklyn College CUNY (BC) is committed to creating and maintaining a community dedicated to the advancement, application, and transmission of knowledge and creative endeavors through academic excellence, where all individuals who participate in BC programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation.

BC has policies, which prohibit discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence and address how to report such violations. These policies include the BC Harassment Policy, and Affirmative Action Policy, Code of Conduct, and the BC Policy on Sexual Misconduct. These policies cover admission, employment, access, and treatment in University programs and activities.

The BC Policy on Sexual Misconduct addresses prohibited conduct such as sex discrimination,(e.g. sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity), sex-based harassment (e.g. quid pro quo, hostile environment, and specific offenses [e.g. sexual assault/violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking], and other forms of harassment (i.e. “Prohibited Conduct”). This Policy outlines BC’s responsibilities and expectations related to Prohibited Conduct in order to ensure an equitable and inclusive education and employment environment free of sexual violence and sexual harassment. The BC Title IX Procedures addresses the process to resolve Prohibited Conduct that falls under Title IX jurisdiction.

BC Harassment Policy refers to but is not limited to harassment due to age, race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, physical or mental disability, medical condition, or veteran status. The Policies applies to all University faculty, staff, and students (undergraduates, graduates, and professional students), and third parties.

Employees must report incidents of sexual harassment, sex-based discrimination, or sexual violence to the campus Title IX Coordinator, Michelle Mendez (718-951-4128, or 2900 Bedford Avenue, 2147 Boylan Hall, Brooklyn, NY 11210), utilizing the online Title IX & Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form, by visiting the BC Title IX Office Website ( or by calling (718) 951-4128. Any person may report sexual misconduct through the BC online reporting form. Any person can report harassment to Michelle Mendez at (718) 951-4128; 2147 Boylan Hal or email

August 9 - 11, 2024

Texas A&M University
San Antonio, TX

REMNet will be holding a meeting this summer at Texas A&M University-San Antonio!

The event is on the third floor of the Science and Technology building – rooms 363, 369 and 371.

We are planning to cover travel expenses for up to 50 people.

We will be supporting a variety of community members with their microbiome studies using Oxford Nanopore and data analysis! Our community includes professors, graduate students, research scientists, and laboratory personnel. We welcome everyone who wants to learn more about how to analyze microbiome data with Oxford Nanopore and how to use it as an educational tool.

Our meeting will be facilitated by Dr. Theodore Muth, Dr. Davida Smyth, and Geena Sompanya.

REMNet is supported by NSF RCN-UBE grant # 1827035